Friday, January 2, 2015

2015 - Initiation of Caffeination

Decided to start a new blog based on weekend and off-day caffeine intake.  While I'm mostly doing this for my own amusement (who loves coffee puns?), some little bits of insight may make its way through the steaming mug which is life.  See what I did there?  This really will be less about the java and more about chronicling whatever's happening at the moment. My 18-month-old daughter, Miri, sees me drink coffee as she has her breakfast(s) so I reckon she'll equate it with me. She should know the good stuff early on.

Fact is, I drink a lot of coffee over the course of the regular work week and I try to chill out with less, but better stuff on the weekend.  Normally it's just 4 cups in the morning which gives me about 1.5 full mugs. In the late morning and afternoon I try to utilize my french press single-cup. I'm not partial to any one brand, really. I do have a beanery in Long Beach I tend to favor for gourmet/flavored french press, but I just finished Hawaiian Hazlenut and German Chocolate cake and will have to finish what I recently bought from a major coffee retailer before I return there. Their stuff is always really good but its taste doesn't outlast the smell but that may also be due to the fact that I don't drink it fast enough.

I also wanted to finally just get some thoughts out on e-paper and see where they lead. Possibly through the brown filter that is my consciousness.  See -- did it again!

I wanted to start this new blog yesterday but I uncharacteristically had some digestive issues. So here we go.

For the past couple of weeks, the mornings begin with Melitta's Vienna Roast (Dark, extra fine grind).  I thankfully had a coupon for this brand a while back and picked it up (normally it goes for over 6 or 7 bucks for a 10oz bag) but I think I got it for closer to 3 or 4 and no, it was not on clearance. The label promises a "Deep intense flavor with a velvety finish. Superbly balanced. Never Bitter." Hard-pressed (see?) to find a better description -- it's completely accurate and certainly not at all bitter.  I periodically add a hint (much less than a teaspoon) of raw sugar, but by and large my breakfasts are sweet so I normally don't bother.  It does the job in the morning and even as a leftover cold beverage later, still has some kick.

Yesterday, I had the french grind of my favorite coffee, Starbucks Christmas Blend. More on this blend later today.  Shortly after, I hit the bathroom and then twice more over the next couple of hours and read the first passage of The Devil and Philosophy. Apparently there is an interpretation of hell/sins where there's a specific demon for each of the 7 deadly sins.  One was in my colon at the time.  I'm less in to Satan and more in to the philosophy series (Open Court and Wiley).

So today I've had one mug of Melitta. Shortly after, I took Miri to her 18-month checkup and she gave me a harder time getting weighed and measured than she did getting a hep/chickenpox vaccine shot. Seriously, screamed about laying down and didn't flinch when the needle entered her arm. We hit Gymboree for a little while after and then came home for her abridged breakfast and nap.

Cold stuff coming up. Liz works until 7ish tonite so I'll need it.

Cold stuff was imbibed too fast but it was during Miri's late lunch.

I had the Starbucks french press and I drank that too fast, too, because we had to go do some food shopping before dinner.  We'll make it memorable tomorrow.

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