Tuesday, February 10, 2015

Been a while for the creature of habit

It's been too long since my last post. It's on my mind and I should make more of an effort to just write it out.  I will not limit myself to weekends anymore. It'll happen frequently but sans consistency.

I've been acclimating to my new job on 7th Ave and in doing so, have developed new coffee habits here.  The coffee options @ this firm are either Flavia or percolated Starbucks. I asked the HR rep about the authenticity of the latter, which she confirmed.  Apparently the most popular reason for going packaged as opposed to 'bucks is b/c it can likely be fresher.  They brew every morning but I doubt every afternoon.  Additionally, on my floor, they have only 2 varieties of caffeinated blend (Light Note and Breakfast Blend) which are Mild.

However, I realized that on the 18th floor (where I can also get free iced coffee in the cafeteria), they've got Pike Place Roast, which is darker and the fall-back when I'm @ an actual 'bucks location.  So I make up to 2 trips to get my fix.  It's one elevator and two flights down, as opposed to leaving the building and paying.

Up until last week I had been using the Bodum single press here for my Christmas Blend.  I love it but it loses its flavor (and thrill) after about a week.  By the time I brought it in, it was just another blend.  Or maybe I got desensitized to it.  I thankfully now also have a large Bodum french press for home, so I can ask grinders to do it up and enjoy special stuff on weekends.

Side note, I had asked the barista at the RVC 'bucks to grind one bag as fp and the other as ground and she did both as fp.  This is the second time this has happened in as many years. I was able to tell for sure this time by the coarseness of the beans and the fact that it was coming out lighter than it ought to have in our dripper.  Not the end of the world but I feel like I will have to trick them in the future or not fall for the BOGO gimmick.

Since SB has a distribution deal here, we also have Tazo, which is fantastic.  I'm starting my work mornings here with "Awake" first.

I'm reading Coffee: Grounds For Debate and while some of it is beyond me, the authors give a nice brief history of the bean as well as how it effects our nervous systems and economies.

That's all for now. Thank you for reading.

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