Monday, May 18, 2015

LavAzza reflections

My first LavAzza can is finished.  It was the espresso grind and overall I give it a thumbs up.  I made it 3 different ways:

1. Drip maker
2. Single-cup french press
3. Multi-cup large french press

Of course the drip maker was the easiest and quickest, and there's no problem with the taste, but eliminating the filter was the goal.

It certainly looks darker (and a bit grainier) in the french press and maybe has more flavor that way.

On Sat. I made 3 1-cup servings in the large one and I guess I had the setting right on the strainer, b/c very little sediment made it out.  I will keep using that and maybe do that on weekends now.

There is another LavAzza can in waiting.  I will save it though, and switch back to boring stuff for a bit.  Maybe on Friday I'll buy a half-pound of something special from the coffee nut place in LB for the arrival of my brother and sister-in-law.

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